Askew Blog Post #3 - Mar 14th, 2020

Hi folks, this wasn’t the post we were expecting to make but here we are. To be clear on our current situation. Askew WIIL BE OPEN as a restaurant and bar. We are allowed by city law to have gatherings under hundred folks. We are NOT allowed to have entertainment. No bands or DJ's for two weeks. These are tough times for everyone right now. If you are feeling couped up in your house you are more than welcome to stop in and grab a bite to eat or have a drink, listen to music, watch something on the TVs. We would appreciate your support. We also want you to know that we are following all other protocol issued to us by the Department of Heath. We hope that everyone stays healthy through these trying times and we hope to share a beer with some of you when you stop in. As always, we thank you all for your support and love you dearly.

Also stay tuned to this website and our social media for rescheduled events. Thank you!!

-The Askew Staff

windsong Hadley